30, Frequently Asked Questions

*About subscription cancellations*
Subscription purchases at SAKURA will be automatically renewed unless the cancellation procedure is completed.
If you wish to cancel your subscription, please contact us at the link below.

The account will be suspended until the period of the purchased account month from the account issuance date, not the date of the cancellation procedure. (The account will be transferred to an account with no type species selection)
Please note that the remaining monthly rate will not be refunded even if there is still time left to use the service.

*About member registration*
SAKURA comes with drawing forms as standard, so the following information is required.
-Company name
-Telephone number
-Fax number
We recommend that you register your phone number with a landline (for reception), not a mobile number.

*The change of the account renewal period*
Please contact us at the link below.